Alex Armstrong
Olivia De Rose
Carson Diffley
Alayna Fredianelli
Ryan Freitas
Jack Gregory
Nathan Hansen

Jason Harmon
Lily Koch
Carson Petersen
Abby Rice
Jacob Rummel
Madelyn Rummel
Julia Slavin
Claire Suneson
Reese Throckmorton
Irie Tilson
Sasha von Sydow
Abigail Waymire
Lazer Zeff

Alex Armstrong
This is Alex’s first year as a member of High Voltage, and she is excited and grateful to be a part of such an amazing group of performers. Alex began performing with EDMT in 2019 in her first show, Goldie Rocks and the 3 Bears. Since then, she has performed in 14 shows and is excited to do many more. Alex’s favorite shows include Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical, Disney’s Newsies, A Christmas Carol, and The Addams Family. In addition to performing, Alex loves working backstage as a prop assistant to support her fellow performers.
Alex’s training includes five years of jazz, tap, and acting; two years of vocal lessons and one year of ballet. Alex is proud to be a part of SpecTAPular in her fourth season with EDMT’s Tap Company. She has also enjoyed performing with Disney’s Dance the Magic in Disneyland.
In her free time, Alex enjoys hanging out with her friends, watching movies, being outside in nature, and watching sunsets. Alex is proud to be a part of the EDMT community, not only to continue growing as a performer, but to have the opportunity to work with some truly inspirational people and develop amazing friendships. Alex looks forward to creating many more memories through her EDMT journey.
“My mission in life is not to merely survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor and some style.” –Maya Angelou

Oliva De Rose
This is Olivia’s second year as a member of High Voltage, and she is beyond grateful to be part of such a talented group! She has performed with EDMT for seven years and has participated in 16 shows. Some of her favorites include Cinderella, The Music Man, Disney’s Newsies, A Christmas Carol, Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, and Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Not only does Olivia enjoy performing onstage, but also loves participating in the technical side of theatre. She has worked many shows backstage as a prop assistant, a quick changer, and a follow spot operator.
Olivia’s training includes five years of jazz, seven years of tap, and two years of acting. She is also a fifth year returning member of EDMT’s Tap Company. In her free time you can find her hanging out with her friends, watching movies, shows, and listening to music. She has met many amazing friends at EDMT that are now like family, and is thankful for all the opportunities and experiences EDMT has provided for her. She hopes to continue to grow and pursue this passion throughout her life!
“Where there is love, we must live on. Where there is not love, we must provide it.” -Josh Kiszka

Carson Diffley
This is Carson’s second year as a member of EDMT’s High Voltage. He is excited to start another year with this talented group. Carson is also looking forward to being a part of EDMT’s Tap Company, SpecTAPular. He has been in five shows at EDMT and enjoyed performing as a Wolf/Ensemble in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, Ben in Disney’s Descendants, Ensemble in The Wizard of Oz, Zeke/Ripper in Disney’s High School Musical, and Featured Ancestor in The Addams Family.
Carson has trained in competitive tap, jazz, contemporary, ballet, and hip hop for eight years. He would like to thank his friends and family for their support.
“If you can’t fly, then run.
If you can’t run, then walk.
If you can’t walk, then crawl.
But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.”
-Martin Luther King Jr.

Alayna Fredianelli
This is Alayna’s third year as a member of High Voltage. She is honored and excited to be a part of this amazingly talented group! Alayna, also known as Layni, has been on stage since she was six years old, and has performed in over 25 EDMT productions. Some of her favorite roles include, Morticia/The Addams Family, Dorothy Gale/The Wizard of Oz, Gabriella Montez/Disney’s High School Musical, Mrs. Paroo/The Music Man, Charlotte/Cinderella, Madame de la Grande Bouche/Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, and Yertle the Turtle/Seussical The Musical.
Layni’s training includes nine years of acting, jazz, and vocal lessons, six years of ballet for musical theatre, and eight years of tap technique classes. Layni is proud to be part of SpecTAPular Elite in her sixth season with EDMT’s Tap Company. She has taken several master classes and intensives in New York City and has been fortunate to perform with Disney’s Dance the Magic on Broadway and in Disneyland.
In her spare time, Layni enjoys hanging out with friends, watching movies, and listening to music. She loves all genres of music and depending on the day, you may find her listening to Fleetwood Mac, David Bowie, Billy Joel, Queen, and Conan Gray.
“You pile up enough tomorrows, and you’ll find you’ve collected nothing but a lot of empty yesterdays. I don’t know about you, but I’d like to make today worth remembering.” -Professor Harold Hill (The Music Man)

Ryan Freitas
Ryan is so excited to be a second-year member in EDMT’S High Voltage! He has been performing with EDMT since he was nine years old and has been in 13 shows at EDMT. Past roles include Giuseppe Addams/The Addams Family, Alan/Disney’s High School Musical, Crow/The Wizard of Oz, Jay/Disney’s Descendants, Charles Cratchit/A Christmas Carol, Bishop/Disney’s Frozen JR, Abe/Disney’s Newsies, and Featured Dancer/Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical.
Ryan’s training includes five years of jazz and four years of tap. He is also a third year member in EDMT’s Tap Company, and has performed with the group at Imagination Campus in Disneyland. Ryan has also been a Troop Leader in The Great Cookie War training show. He was also a counselor and instructor at EDMT’s summer theatre camp. In his free time, Ryan loves to hang out with friends and try new foods.
“Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart” –Winnie The Pooh

Jack Gregory
Jack Gregory has been performing with El Dorado Musical Theater for four years. He has been in 10 shows and a part of High Voltage for four years. Some notable roles include Gomez Addams/The Addams Family, Troy Bolton/Disney’s High School Musical, Gaston/Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, and Jacob Marley/A Christmas Carol.
Jack’s training includes four years of jazz, five years of vocal lessons, and four years of acting. He has also participated in many master classes and workshops with EDMT throughout the years.
During Jack’s free time when he is not teaching Acting or Intro to Musical Theater, he loves to hang out with friends, play the guitar, and continue improving his craft. He enjoys going on hikes, going to the beach, and watching the sunset.
“Forget regret, or life is yours to miss.” –Rent

Nathan Hansen
This is Nathan’s fifth year as a member of EDMT’s tour group, High Voltage, and he is so grateful to be a part of such an amazing group. He has performed in 26 EDMT shows. Some of his favorite past roles include Troy Bolton/Disney’s High School Musical, Scarecrow/The Wizard of Oz, Gaston/Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, Bob Cratchit/A Christmas Carol, Simeon/Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Albert/Disney’s Newsies, Ewart Dunlop/The Music Man, Old Man Jenkins/The SpongeBob Musical, Wickersham Brother/Seussical The Musical, Chill/SpyQuest, and John Darling/Peter Pan. His favorite show is Seussical the Musical, and he is thrilled to be playing the Cat in the Hat in the fall.
Nathan has six years of training in musical theatre jazz, nine years of tap dancing, four years of ballet, eight years of acting training, and four years of vocal training. Nathan is going into his second season of being the High Voltage Vocal Assistant, and was previously the Dance Lieutenant. Nathan was part of EDMT’s Tap Company for 3 seasons, 2018-2021. He also got the privilege of performing on the New Amsterdam Broadway stage in NYC with EDMT’s Tap Company in 2019.
In his free time, Nathan enjoys hanging out with friends, watching movies, taking his mom’s pilates class, and singing. Nathan is currently a senior at Oak Ridge High School. Nathan hopes to include musical theatre later in his life, but pursue engineering and law in college.
Nathan would like to thank his fellow HV members for all their hard work and dedication this season. He is so proud of how far they have come. He hopes you enjoy the show!
“Think and wonder and dream, far and wide as you dare.” –Seussical The Musical

Jason Harmon
This is Jason’s first year as a member of High Voltage, and he is thrilled to be a part of this incredibly talented group! He has been performing with EDMT since 2017, and his favorite shows have been Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical, Disney’s High School Musical, and The Addams Family. Jason also volunteers working backstage with the lighting crew.
Jason has been training for the performing arts since he was five years old. He plays alto saxophone and studies gymnastics, jazz, and tap dance. He is starting his seventh year with EDMT’s Tap Company; and fun fact, his favorite Broadway show is 42nd Street. He attends Folsom High School and enjoys hanging out and grabbing Dutch Bros with friends.
“So what if you had a bit of bad luck this AM, you’ve got all you need to cheer you up right there at the end of your ankles!” -42nd Street

Lily Koch
This is Lily’s second year as a member of High Voltage, and she is so grateful to be a part of such an amazing group! She has been with EDMT for the past six years. Some of her favorite roles have been Grandma/The Addams Family, Aunt Em/The Wizard of Oz, Queen Iduna/Disney’s Frozen JR, and Sally Anderson/A Christmas Carol.
Over the past 15 years, Lily has trained in jazz, ballet, hip hop, contemporary, tap, and ballroom, and has been trained in vocals and acting for three years. She worked as a dance assistant in EDMT’s production of Disney’s Descendants and has been an instructor in EDMT’s summer camps.
Aside from performing, she enjoys arts and crafts, spending time with her family and dogs, the rain, and Christmas. Lily has always looked up to those in High Voltage and is so honored that she is a part of it! She hopes to inspire future members as much as past members have inspired her!
“Let all that you do be done in love” -1 Corinthians 16:14

Carson Petersen
Carson is so excited to be a first-year member of High Voltage, EDMT’s premier performing ensemble. He loves this group and the work they have put into these shows. He has participated in five musicals at EDMT over the course of four years, and is going into his fifth year during this season of High Voltage. His past roles include Pabbie/Disney’s Frozen JR, Beadle and Poulterer/A Christmas Carol, LeFou/Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, Uncle Henry and The Guard/The Wizard of Oz, and PT Addams/The Addams Family. Not only does Carson love EDMT, he loves the friends he has made along the way.
Carson has taken classes at EDMT including two years of jazz, one year of ballet, and four years of acting. Outside of EDMT, Carson loves to hang out with friends, play video games, explore the outdoors, and work on school. Carson is grateful for the experience that EDMT has given him. He loves these shows and hopes you do too!
“Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you either run from it or learn from it.” ―The Lion King

Abby Rice
This is Abby’s second year of High Voltage, and she could not be more proud to be a part of such an amazing group! She has been performing with EDMT since she was ten years old and is going into her eighth season at EDMT. Some of her past roles include Mrs. Squires/The Music Man, Dan’s Wife/Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Sophie k./Mean Girls, and Cheer Captain/Disney’s High School Musical. While she loves being on stage, she also has a love for the technical side of theatre, including backstage help, and follow spot lead.
Abby’s training includes eight years of jazz, nine years of tap, one year of acting, two years of ballet, as well as taking many master classes with EDMT and Disney. Abby was a part of EDMT’s Tap Company for four years before graduating this past year. Abby also has experience on the artistic team as an Assistant Choreographer for Rock of Ages Teen Edition, Mean Girls High School Version, and Mamma Mia! at Oak Ridge High School.
Abby is currently a freshman at Folsom Lake College. In her free time, she loves listening to music, being outside, and shopping. Her favorite things are Trader Joe’s and Relish’s Tuesday Night Trivia.
“Open your eyes and look at the day, you’ll see things in a different way” -Fleetwood Mac

Jacob Rummel
Jacob is thrilled to be a part of High Voltage this year! It is his second year with the group, and he is excited about the amazing experiences ahead. Jacob has been with EDMT for six years, taking part in six shows. Some of his favorite roles include The Wizard/The Wizard of Oz, Chad/Disney’s High School Musical, and Lurch/The Addams Family.
Jacob’s training includes four years of jazz, five years of acting, three years of vocal lessons, and two years of tap. He has met so many incredible people at EDMT, and is always eager to make new connections with fellow theatre enthusiasts.
When he is not immersed in the world of theatre, Jacob loves hanging out with his friends and listening to music. He would like to thank his friends and family for their constant support! His passion for theatre is evident, and he is only just getting started on this amazing journey.
“Never allow the demands of tomorrow to interfere with the pleasure and excitement of today.” –Harold Hill, The Music Man

Madelyn Rummel
This is Maddie’s second year as a member of High Voltage! She is thrilled to get to share the stage with this absolutely fabulous group. Maddie has been a part of EDMT for the past six years with thirteen shows under her belt. Past roles include Glinda/The Wizard of Oz, Asher/Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Granny Slice/The Addams Family, Martha Cox/Disney’s High School Musical, Madame De La Grande Bouche/Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, and Ethel Tofflemier/The Music Man.
Maddie has been on stage since the age of five. Her training includes five years of tap, six years of acting, five years of vocal, and four years of jazz. If you count singing and dancing around the living room, she has been honing her craft for the last nineteen years. Maddie is currently a Theatre Arts Major at Folsom Lake College.
When not performing onstage, you can find Maddie in one of her creative or backstage roles. Some notable positions include Assistant Stage Manager/Disney’s Finding Nemo JR, Disney’s Descendants, Lighting Designer/Operator for High Voltage’s Life is a Cabaret – Season 14, The Great Cookie War, Maxwell Detective Agency, and Scenic Team Member. She loves learning all aspects of theatre and digging deep into what makes a show tick. When not at EDMT, Maddie enjoys driving around blasting music in her Prius, spending time with her friends, or working her job at Dutch Bros.
“I’m gonna raise the roof, I’m gonna carry on! Give me an old trombone, give me an old baton before the parade passes by!” –Dolly Levi (Hello, Dolly!)

Julia Slavin
This is Julia’s second year as a member of High Voltage! She is so excited to perform alongside such talented people. Julia has been performing with EDMT for eight years, and has been in 19 shows. Some of her favorite roles include Wednesday Addams/The Addams Family, Kelsi Neilson/Disney’s High School Musical, Mal/Disney’s Descendants, Anna/Disney’s Frozen JR, Amanda Thripp/Matilda The Musical, Mrs. Mayor/Seussical The Musical, Tessie/Annie, and Howie/Disney’s Newsies.
Julia’s training includes seven years of jazz, five years of tap, seven years of acting, and seven years of vocals. When not performing, Julia enjoys spending time with friends and family, traveling, and playing with her cat, KitBoo. She also loves Disneyland, Christmas, the rain, Tahoe, and being with her sisters. She hopes to continue performing in the future and pursue it as a career!
“You are enough. You are so enough. It is unbelievable how enough you are.” –Sierra Boggess

Claire Suneson
Claire is delighted to be part of this incredibly talented company of High Voltage Season 16! She has been a part of the EDMT family since she was six years old and whas been fortunate enough to participate in 17 amazing EDMT productions. Her favorite roles include Dory/Disney’s Finding Nemo JR, Young Elsa/Disney’s Frozen JR, and Molly/Annie. This is Claire’s second season in High Voltage.
Claire’s training includes 10 years of ballet, five years of tap – she is a proud member of EDMT’s Tap Company, four years of jazz dance, as well as acting and vocal training. This year, Claire served as an Assistant Choreographer for the training show The Great Cookie War, a production for EDMT’s littlest performers. In her spare time Claire loves to eat breakfast, treasure-hunt for good new books to read, and bake cookies with her friends.
“I’ll eat some breakfast, then change the world!” –Hairspray

Reese Throckmorton
Reese is thrilled to be a second-year member of High Voltage. She has been performing for nine years and has performed in a total of 20 shows. Her past favorite roles include Sharpay/Disney’s High School Musical, Anna/Disney’s Frozen JR, Regina/Mean Girls, Silly Girl/Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, Benjamin’s Wife/Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, and Hortensia/Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical.
Reese’s training includes seven years of jazz, five years of tap, and five years of acting. She received the Legacy Robe for The Music Man, and was a member of EDMT’s Tap Company. Reese has worked as a teacher/counselor for EDMT summer camps, and helped on multiple training shows.
In her free time, Reese loves to travel and spend time with her family and friends. She would like to thank her mom and dad for being her biggest supporters.
“Venture outside your comfort zone. The rewards are worth it.” –Tangled

Irie Tilson
Irie is thrilled to be performing in High Voltage as a first-year member! She has been performing with EDMT since she was eight years old and has participated in 13 EDMT productions. Some of her favorite roles include Mal/Disney’s Descendants, Young Elsa/Disney’s Frozen JR, and Nikko/The Wizard Of Oz.
Irie’s training includes six years of jazz dance, four years of tap, and three years of ballet, as well as acting and vocal lessons. Irie is also a proud member of EDMTs Tap Company. In her spare time she likes to read and hang out with friends and family.
“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” -Walt Disney

Sasha von Sydow
This is Sasha’s first year as a High Voltage member. She is honored and excited to be part of this tour group alongside many talented cast members. She is excited to enter her third season with EDMT. Sasha has been on stage singing, dancing, and acting in 21 local productions since she was seven years old. Sasha has been involved with 11 EDMT productions and performed in six. When she’s not on stage performing, she’s backstage assisting with quick changes and props. Her favorite EDMT roles include Fairy Godmother/Disney’s Descendants, and Lead Jitterbug/The Wizard of Oz. Sasha performed on stage at Disney California as a member of EDMT’s Tap Company, FanTAPulous, in May 2024, through Disney Imagination Campus. Sasha was featured in Andrea Bejar’s music video, “Mi Nina.” She was also a featured actor in the short films “Twice As Fast” and “Theater Kids.”
Sasha’s training includes five years of jazz dance, five years of ballet, three years of tap, three years of vocal training, seven years of musical theater acting, and two years of film acting. She currently attends EDMT PAI classes in ballet, jazz, and acting. She has also trained at Studio 24, Margie Haber Acting, and Broadway Sacramento.
In her free time, Sasha enjoys crafting, traveling, dancing, reading, playing the piano, Cajon, or ukulele, and relaxing with friends.
“Nothing is impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m Possible!” -Audrey Hepburn

Abigail Waymire
Abigail is so excited to perform in her third year of High Voltage with these incredible people. She has performed with EDMT for seven years as well as three years in San Jose, for a grand total of 23 shows. Favorite roles include Alice Beineke/The Addams Family, Taylor McKessie/Disney’s High School Musical, Glinda/The Wizard of Oz, Silly Girl/Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, Alma Hix/The Music Man, Mrs. Cratchit/A Christmas Carol, Stevie/Disney’s Newsies, and Little Timoune/Once On This Island.
Abigail’s training includes eight years of jazz and vocal instruction, seven years of acting, six years of tap and three years of ballet. She has been a part of the backstage team for 12 shows including props, stage crew, quick changing, projections, and backstage coordinator. Abigail also happens to be a published author. In her free time, Abigail enjoys reading, writing, spending time in nature, and being with her parents.
“You must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from. Your only limit is your soul.” -Ratatouille

Lazer Zeff
Lazer is a first-year High Voltage member, honored to perform with such a talented ensemble. Lazer jumped into musical theatre this year, training in jazz, tap, ballet, acting, and vocals. To further develop his skills, Lazer performed in his first EDMT musical last summer, The Addams Family, playing Diego De Addams. Looking forward to many more stage productions, Lazer is also studying film and television to hone his craft in front of the camera.
Outside of theatre, Lazer pilots seaplanes and gliders from Lake Tahoe to the Bay Area, and plays gigs at Midtown and Downtown Sacramento jazz clubs, leading his own band with the tenor saxophone.
Lazer would like to express his gratitude to the EDMT staff, especially to Ms. Christine for taking him under her wing, guiding him through her phenomenal tap classes, and inspiring him to take on every aspect of performing EDMT has to offer. Lazer would also like to send his appreciation to the artistic staff. Lazer is anticipating an unforgettable season with High Voltage this year, putting on his best performance every time he walks on stage.
“You do what you can for as long as you can, and when you finally can’t, you do the next best thing. You back up, but you don’t give up.” —Chuck Yeager