High Voltage in the Movies
a musical cabaret filmed for you

A poster for high voltage in the movies.

How do I stream High Voltage in the Movies?

Click the link here.  You will be taken to the High Voltage in the Movies page on Vimeo.

(If you have a smart TV, download the Vimeo app, search “EDMT,” and click “on-demand” on the left side of the screen to find the movie.)

Next, click the red button on the right side of your screen that says “Rent $24.99” and enter your credit card information.

You will have access to the movie for a 48 hour period from the time of purchase.

At 6:00pm PST, October 3rd, High Voltage in the Movies goes live and you can begin watching.

You can pre-order your rental before 6:00pm PST.

Those who received a free viewing of High Voltage in the Movies from their generous donation, will be emailed a promo code.

High Voltage in the Movies will be available to stream on Vimeo indefinitely.

What is High Voltage in the Movies?

High Voltage in the Movies is our solution to the current lack of live theatre.  We took what would have been one of our live fall performances, reimagined it for screen, filmed it, and made it into a movie.

Our mission is to continue to bring the arts to the community in whatever way possible.

Want to know more?  Take a look at this video message from some of our High Voltage staff!

Help Save the Arts in Your Community

To make a tax-deductible donation, please click DONATE for credit card payments or send a check made payable to “El Dorado Musical Theatre” at 5011 Golden Foothill Parkway Suite 4, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

This production is made possible by the following donors.  Thank you for your support!

The Aceves Family, The Ahrens Family, John & Sue Baciocco, Stephanie Bambino, Maeve Beards, Shawn Castle, Sandra Collier, Ronald & Joan Derbyshire, David Wayne Dodds, Benjamin Glickman, The Haar Family, Kathleen Hart, Robert Hayton, Susan Haywood, Gillian Hibbert, Jon & Chris Hobbs, Juan Jose Jarillo, The Kallan Family, The Kosciuk Family, The L’Engle Family, Leighton L’Engle-Brooke Minnie-Tori Turo, Marsha & Randy Larsen, Vaughn Lee, The Local Bark, The Martorana Family, Michelle Minnick, Allison Mirhadi, The Neal Family, Susan Neethling, Russ & Kathy O’Brien, Parker Development, Patricia Peck, Travis & Stephanie Peer, Cathy Reeves, Barbara Rhoades, The Rhoades Family, Rocklin Pool & Spa Service, The Sharp Family, Jill Sorensen, Chuck Spalding, Anya Suneson, The Van Overeem & Chiusano Family, Vik & Mary Varma, The Waymire Family, Stephen & Lynn Weddington, Karen Weidner, David & Carol Williamson, Roy & Sharon Wise

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